Island Stars




July 10        New Moon

July 24        Full Moon - the Buck Moon - Male deer begins to grow new antlers

July 28&29  Delta Aquarids Meteor - bright Moon in the sky :(

August 2      Saturn at opposition - rises at sunset / sets at sunrise

August 8      New Moon  - summer Milky Way at it’s best!

August 12    Perseid Meteor Shower - best pre-dawn on the 12th

August 19    Jupiter at opposition - binoculars can show 4 Moons!

August 22     Full Moon - the Sturgeon Moon -3 of 4 full this summer, once in a blue Moon?

September 7 New Moon -great time to see the summer Milky Way and early dark skies.

November 19 Partial Lunar Eclsipe - Moon almost in the Earth’s shadow, beautiful!!!!!!


May 2          International Astronomy Day get out and stargaze wherever you are!

July 14        Jupiter at Opposition beautiful pair with Saturn all summer

July 20          Saturn at Opposition beautiful pair with Jupiter all summer

July 20        New Moon

August 12    Perseid Meteor Shower best after midnight

August 13    Perseid Meteor Shower best after midnight

August 19    New Moon


May 11        International Astronomy Day

July 2          Total Solar Eclipse (Southern Hemisphere)

July 20          50 Year Anniversary Man Landing on the Moon 1969


July 1        1:00 to 3:00 pm Canada Day at the observatory.  A Free Daytime Event!!

July 9             John Nemy New Music Release.  Hornby Community Hall  7:00 to 10:00 pm

July 10           John Nemy New Music Release.  Hornby Community Hall  11:00 am to 4:00 pm


April 29        7:00 to 10:00 pm  International Astronomy Day at Island Stars   Free Event!!

July 1           1:00 to 3:00 pm  Canada Day at the observatory.  A Free Daytime Event

July 27         Hornby Island Natural History Centre presents John Nemy

                               2017 Total Solar Eclipse Talk


August 21    10:30 am PST - Total Solar Eclipse all of North America


May 5 Island Stars presents Ray Villard / Space Telescope Science Institute, Hornby Island Community Hall

May 9 At dawn from western North America - Transit of Mercury

May 14, 8:00 pm - Astronomy Day at Island Stars Observatory  Free!

August 16, 8:00 pm - John Nemy presents Stargazers at Hornby Island Community Hall

August 26 1:00 pm - Young Astronomers at Island Stars Observatory  Free!  Hosted by IS Intern Claire Hodson

October 27 7:00pm John Nemy presents Islands In The Stars

Nanaimo Astronomy Society (see poster above)